Email Kit


Footers are used to show common navigational elements.

Paul Sylling

Test Results


Want proof? View the test results to see how a footer component renders across each of the most common email clients.

Email Kit is rigorously tested on the most common email clients.


Footers are the bottom anchor of every email and include important company information as well as links to remain compliant. Common footer elements include:

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Unsubscribe Functionality
  • Legal Links such as Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
  • Social Media Links


Copy the code below and paste it into a table within the #email-container to create a footer in your email.

When adding a footer component to your email, note the special #footer id tag. This takes care of the horiztonal spacing for you. You only need to choose which size of vertical spacing to surround your footer with in order to maintain a consistent vertical rhythm.

Footer Inside Panel

Use the code below to create a footer inside of the email panel.

Footer Inside Panel
Footers have horizontal spacing built into the component but are surrounded by vertical spacers.
Footer Outside Panel

Use the code below to create a footer outside of the email panel.

Footer Outside Panel
Footers have horizontal spacing built into the component but are surrounded by vertical spacers.

Best Practices

Follow these best practices when using footers.

  • Include your company name and full address.
  • Add links to unsubscribe as well as your privacy policy.
  • Choose a font color that provides enough contrast with your background color.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about footers in Email Kit.

Do I need to include an unsubscribe link in my footer?

Although the answer is almost always yes, refer to email guidelines in the countries in which you operate.

Are footers the best place to put links to social media links?

Similar to websites, social media links are commonly included in the footer of emails.

Do you have a code sample for adding social media links in the footer?

Coming soon!